Plantar Plate Tear
The Plantar Plate is a thick ligament structure which sits into the base of the toe bones in the area of the ball of the foot. The purpose of the plate is to protect the toes from being overextended. If a tear occurs, there is swelling of the toe/s depending on the extent of the tear.
Instead of your toes being straight, with hammer toes they point downwards or are bent and curled. For some clients these toes can become painful and make certain shoes difficult to wear.
Some people are also particularly prone to calluses, bunions or corns which again can result from ill-fitted shoes and/or poor foot biomechanics that cause repeated friction over a period of time. Having such thickened layers of skin can make you more susceptible to getting hammer toe/s.
Calluses, Bunions and Corns
The good news is early treatment can prevent significant toe issues. As your Podiatrist we will diagnose your plantar plate tear and hammer toe/s by examining your foot/feet and may also confirm this diagnosis with an ultrasound which shows the soft tissue area of your foot.